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Art for fun pith helmet project

I have included photos and mentioned the Art for fun pith helmet in a few posts. Today it was completed, design wise, there are still some layers of colour that need to be added before it is finally completed and will go on display as one example of my work at Rollington Barn as part of Purbeck Art Weeks 2022.

I had been looking for a while to add to my logo pith helmet that I wear most days in the shop, I bought and decorated that one in 2020. Recently Anne and I were in Poole and spotted a new white pith helmet in the window of the army surprise,us store. They weren’t open on our way to the quay but we’re on the way back and I brought home what would become my second pith helmet to wear for work.

I wasn’t sure on he design theme then decided that Art for Fun would be a good idea. I started with the lettering in gold, silver and bronze letters for the letters consecutively in each word.

Metallic lettering in Posca markers

The next item was the flower using the central cap. I am not sure where the idea came from but I thought it looked like the centre of a flower and went from there, then a blue sky background added around the design.

Central flower on top of helmet

Then with Ukraine very much in mind and the Swanage sunflower initiative led previously in Commercial Road I added a sunflower on each side.

Sun flower on each side.

Back in 2017 I did a piece for an exhibition at Etches as a pre-runner to PAW2017 about the wildlife verges that Dorset Council was promoting and has continued to do since. So I started a wildflower theme at the back of the hat. I had thought about adding art materials reference but it wouldn’t fit so with the aid of Google images I added more wild flowers until a layer of wood anemones yesterday at the hat’s front.

Developing wildflower meadow
Adding a blue sky background
Forest anemones

Then a dark green brim and today I also added more blue sky – more pens on order. Also below the strap I have hand drawn a strap and buckle in case this is ever lost.

He design is now complete and a new design idea for me and one which I am pleased with. More colour layers before it goes to Rollington Barn where I will be interested to hear about visitor feedback. It will be NFS (Not for Sale) but a demonstration of my non paper based art options.

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