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AndyKnillArt News from PAW 2017 day two

Sunday 28th May

Mixed weather again but got brighter, even sunny in the afternoon. A good day where early on it was quiet and I got on with mounting two pictures – my drawing from my stewarding at the Etches Collection Sketches exhibition last week and my piece at home of the Foxglove. The Foxglove itself had been felled by the weather overnight and was no longer available to be admired.  Mounting was basic in a modelling knife, back of sketching board to cut on and the use of my grandfather’s old ruler and a metal spirit level as a cutting edge.

I also started a new line – hand drawn from my own photos – original one off cards. I produced two this afternoon and both sold immediately, this is an idea I shall continue with.

In total 30 visitors and four dogs visited. I sold my second print, also a semi international sale as the gentlemen is Belgian but lives part of the year in Dorset. He also bought three cards of the same print – Beach Huts. By the end of the day I had sold 31 cards and enjoyed talking to a range of people who had heard of me from mutual friends, seen my work in Swanage TIC, seen my posts on Facebook. There were also the walkers passing by and some family friends who came especially too. Around one o’clock we had rain preceded by a most unusual cloud formation spotted by visitors as they left, which led to cameras being grabbed to record the phenomena which was subsumed into the cloud soon after.

Online discussions with friends about the day included an enquiry from a friend in Ireland about the Reculver Towers pen and ink piece. My first print buyers in Qatar also showed an interest in my Corfe Castle canvas on display at Rollington Barn. If it is still available in September when they will have more disposable mo eye it may be on its way or an alternative.

It was a reassuring day that people really liked my work both art and photographic, especially the Pinnacles from Old Harry Rocks canvas. The new original card series will continue as it offers a chance to see how different local scenes are received.

After closing we got to spend some time at local hostelry The Scott Arms as part of their launch event for the Wilkswood Reggae Festival in Purbeck in July 2017. This was the second musical follow up as on Saturday night we had gone to a concert by The Foghorn String Band from Portland, Washington state / Quebec – a mix of American Roots and Cajun music which was great to experience.

My cash box also allowed me to pay off my storage piece of furniture the family account had bought from IKEA. I am enthused and know the weather factor is going to have to be taken into xo sideration as day three’s for sat is not good and there are two large village fetes on the bank holiday Monday as well.

I lhope be how the different PAW artists are encouraging each other online throughout the event too. I feel accepted within another group of Purbeck people.

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